Etchingham CE Primary School

Our Church School

Christian Vision & Values

Our vision for our Christian community at the Riverside Federation is that our pupils feel valued for who they are, reach their full potential through high quality, inspirational learning experiences and are ready for life in an ever-changing world. We aim to treat everyone in our community with compassion, friendship and tolerance, and instil high aspirations for all, underpinned by the teaching that we 'love our neighbour as ourselves.' (Mark 12:31)

Our school values of Compassion, Friendship, Tolerance and Aspiration are rooted in the teachings of Jesus as found in the New Testament:

Compassion Jesus' teachings frequently emphasised compassion and mercy. The parable of the Good Samaritan, for example, highlights the importance of showing kindness and compassion to those in need.
Friendship Jesus referred to his followers as friends in the Gospel of John, fostering a sense of camaraderie and emphasising the value of loving one another. The concept of Christian community and fellowship is central to the idea of friendship.
Tolerance The teachings of Jesus encourage believers to love their neighbours, even those with different beliefs. The principle of tolerance can be derived from the command to love others unconditionally.
Aspiration Christian aspiration often revolves around spiritual growth, seeking to emulate the virtues of Christ. The apostle, Paul, in his letters, encourages believers to strive for a higher standard of living and to aspire toward a spiritual goal with determination and perseverance.

As we 'love our neighbour as ourselves' we set a high moral standard for our behaviour and attitudes, aspiring to a love that goes beyond self-interest. It reinforces the overarching principle that love and compassion should guide all interactions within the community, rooted in Jesus' central commandment

Links with the Church

The school has a special relationship with the community of Etchingham through its association with the Parish Church of The Assumption of Blessed Mary and St Nicholas. We attend the church regularly for special events and celebrations, which reflect the Liturgical Calendar including Christmas, Easter and Harvest.   Pupils sing, dance, read from the Bible, perform poetry and experience and communicate the essence of an occasion in many different ways. 

Our local Vicar regularly comes to the  school to lead our Collective Worship and he also takes part in these special Celebrations.

As a Church of England School, we are subject to Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).  Our latest report is available below:

SIAMS Inspection Report 

Collective Worship

Collective worship is held daily and is the heartbeat of our school. Throughout the year we focus on each of our Christian values of Compassion, Friendship, Tolerance and Aspiration whilst continuing to keep the theological underpinning of 'love our neighbour as ourselves' (Mark 12:31) at the forefront of our daily reflection.

We plan and prepare worship to support deep, reflective discussion. We encourage children to think about their values and what is important to them; to challenge ignorance and intolerance; to voice their opinions and to build on their own understanding of national and global events. Daily collective worship is inclusive, invitational and inspirational; creating a space for an encounter with faith.

The children also explore the British values of mutual respect, individual liberty, democracy, the rule of law and tolerance, alongside the UN Rights of the Child, enabling them to develop as global citizens who are aware of the wider world and their place in it.

Monday Whole school value-based worship
Tuesday Whole school Picture News worship
Wednesday Class worship
Thursday Whole school Singing worship
Friday Whole school 'Celebrating Success' worship

 All staff are involved in leading worship across the week. We are supported by the local Vicar who leads worship once or twice a term. 

Collective Worship coverage documents

Value-based worship

Value-based worship: Term 4

Value-based worship: Term 3

Value-based worship: Term 2

Value-based worship: Term 1

Picture News worship

Picture News coverage, Term 2

Picture News coverage, Term 1

Picture News coverage, 2023-24



At the Riverside Federation, we believe that spiritual development nurtures a fundamental aspect of the human experience that transcends physical senses and language. It involves relationships - with the divine ('up'), with ourselves ('in') and with other human beings and the natural world ('out'). As a community, we define and express our spirituality through these interconnected relationships.

Prayer life of the school

As a Church of England school which upholds a strong Christian ethos, we recognise the importance of prayer as a time to become connected to God and to communicate with Him. Pupils are invited to join in daily acts of prayer through Collective Worship.

As an inclusive school, we welcome those of all faiths and none, and opportunities for prayer and reflection are sensitive to a variety of needs and attitudes; prayer is therefore always invitational.

Our Federation Prayer

Lord Jesus,

Today and every new day, help us to learn, to play and to pray, to concentrate on all we do, to understand others and think about you. Help us to love our neighbour as ourselves.
